“I found the first time visit a definite positive experience and one that seems to be intimately tied to my own current path to healing. After Tuesday night meditation with Ursula and a brief exposure to pranic healing afterward with one of the women there, I was able to go home and find myself walking up the street with no knee joint pain, no hip pain, and a removal of acute dysphoria and depressive thought pattern. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I hope to keep coming and really become educated on this! “
Eddie S
Fourteen years ago after a particularly tragic event I turned to therapy to deal with my anger and depression. Being a professor I found the dialogue comforting and helpful. This dialogue was helpful in working on my mind–on the limits in my perspective. Yet, only 4 months ago I realized something was missing. I didn’t have a direction or an understanding of the nature of the missing element. So I just let the events of the day guide me. My only intention was to be open-minded. This open-mindedness led me to Ursula and her healing cat. Trust me I don’t love cats to say the least but I loved this cat. Ursula provided the comfort and peace I was looking for. In a very short period of time, Ursula’s healing powers and her energy work had a profound influence on my life. My spirit started to catch up with my mind and body. My ego became quiet. I started to surrender to the light. I started to give thanks every day. I started to live my life with gratitude. Without Ursula none of this would have been possible.
Andrew G.
I woke up this morning, I have been diagnosed for years now with depression, and I usually have depression in the morning, and this morning I woke up as I have wanted to for a very long time. It’s gone, No depression. It feels really really good! Ill see you on Tuesday for meditation at Zonolite.!
As a cancer survivor, and mother to two young girls I had been pretty beaten down physically. With no thyroid and I had plenty of problems with medications and no sleep, I was at the point where I felt horrible most of the time, and Id get Pneumonias yearly, my hair was falling out; I had psoriasis so bad I would just itch all over constantly. I could go on, but it’s just goes downhill from there. Doctors had done all they could with their limited options (drugs). I was ready for something different.
Most of what I’ve done has been Pranic Healing, in the beginning I had a lot of ‘congested energy” that I could feel Ursula removing although she never touched me. She addressed my most pressing health issues with a Pranic protocol that has been extremely effective. I am so much better emotionally and physically, she brought me to a place that would have taken me years to get to on my own.
Most of what I’ve done has been Pranic Healing, in the beginning I had a lot of ‘congested energy” that I could feel Ursula removing although she never touched me. She addressed my most pressing health issues with a Pranic protocol that has been extremely effective. I am so much better emotionally and physically, she brought me to a place that would have taken me years to get to on my own.
Kendra B
I attended the Pranic Psychotherapy course and learned that Pranic Healing is effective for phobias. It was an amazing experience. I had a phobia of spiders as long as I can remember. I could not even look at a photo of a spider. In less than 10 minutes I was completely healed from this phobia. This is really amazing as I am a professional Psychotherapist.
I cannot help but share this very exciting time in our lives. My daughter is within the Autistic Spectrum. Conventional therapeutic protocol has played a huge part in her earlier development, now it was clear that addressing the Energy in and around her was imperative for her to achieve balance. Through research, I found Pranic Healing and without fully understanding the practice and its powerful effect, we started treatment. With Pranic Healing, from the moment we stepped into the room, the energy was so full of love and light. She flowed right into, and fully participated in the session. From my perspective, it was as if she had come home. My daughter’s first Pranic Healing session was extremely powerful and produced immediate remarkable results. The pranic healer was relaxed, gentle, engaging, respectful, informative. But the miracles don’t stop there. 2 days after our 1st session, I was informed me that the next day, a Level One Pranic Healing Course was being taught in my town. Can you say Divine Intervention? So I have now embarked on a special mission: to be a conduit of healing. I am in such deep gratitude to my Divine Creator for the clarity, wisdom and the continued guidance towards a life of greater purpose.